Visual Regression Testing


Visual Regression Testing is a testing method to ensure your components don't change when you don't want them to. In each new PR, a screenshot of each story is taken and the ones that have changed are displayed for manual review. This is helpful when your codebase becomes very large and a manual review of your stories' changes isn't feasable.

Default implementation

The default implementation uses Playwright to automate a Chromium browser to take a screenshot of each story in each of the default viewports and have them inserted into the .showcase/snapshots folder.

To get started, simply run:

showcase create-snapshots

Custom implementation

If you want to use another browser automation tool or upload your screenshots into your private S3 bucket, you can do that as well. Showcase outputs a story metadata file in .showcase/meta.json that lists all the stories in the your project. Start a dev instance and screenshot all stories with your custom implementation.

You can generate an up-to-date meta.json file using the showcase create-meta command.

import fs from "node:fs";
import playwright from "playwright";
export const createSnapshots = async () => {
  const meta = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(".showcase/meta.json"));
  const browser = await playwright.chromium.launch();
  const page = await browser.newPage();
  for (const componentName of Object.keys(meta.components)) {
    for (const storyName of meta.components[componentName].stories) {
      await page.goto(
      // or your custom screenshot implementation
      await page.screenshot({
        path: path.join(
  await browser.close();